Tips from Todd

When building your own business remember:
- Work hard. Be creative. Be nice.
- Believe in yourself.
- Don’t be afraid to fail.
To foster creativity always:
- Listen and ask questions
- Take risks.
- Explore and discover.
- Accept new points-of-view.
- Surround yourself with diverse, hardworking, and passionate people.
Number one staple everyone should have in their closet:
- Denim. It’s an American fashion staple and will always stand the test of time.
Most common fashion mistake:
- Don’t go trend heavy. Stay classic and layer in one trend. What’s “in fashion” now, could easily be out in less than a year.
When in doubt wear:
- A third piece – that’s the piece in your closet that pulls your whole look together in an effortless way – a sport coat, cardigan, or chore coat.