As I walked along the brownstones of the Chelsea neighborhood, my excitement built. It was my first trip to New York City, and I was soaking in every moment.
An unshakable optimist and all-around positive guy, Darrin Rahn (’12 agricultural business, marketing) was walking me to my next interview, which just happened to be with one of his fashion icons—Todd Snyder.
Darrin is one of those guys who always says yes when Iowa State comes calling. Speak to a class? Yes. Host a student intern? Yes. Be interviewed for Iowa Stater? You get the idea.
That’s why I was so excited to say yes when Darrin asked if he could accompany me to my interview with Todd Snyder (’92 apparel design). Snyder’s team didn’t hesitate when I asked about arranging a meet and greet with the two. Todd’s another alum who says yes when Iowa State comes calling.
When we arrived, Darrin and I nervously adjusted our clothing – he
a bright pink Todd Snyder sweater, me a vintage NYC tee from the designer’s early years paired with a blazer.
We were greeted with warm handshakes and smiles. Darrin and Todd quickly hit it off, and I could feel myself focusing in on the special moment unfolding in front of me.
“This is what it’s all about,” I thought, “connecting Cyclones everywhere.”
I hope you enjoy getting to know these two special Cyclones along with a host of other changemakers coast-to-coast. Their stories illustrate how, in large and small ways, via science, technology, art, and more, Iowa Staters are shaping our world for the better.

Melea Reicks Licht
(’00 Public Service and Administration in Agriculture, M.S. ’05 Agricultural Education and Studies)