"If we can begin to think of ourselves as gardeners, as shapers of environments rather than makers of people, perhaps we can allow each separate seed to grow and develop and maybe even flower without demanding that all the seeds do everything at the same time and in the same order. Perhaps, as we grow in our self-understanding and self-confidence, we can begin to perceive that each seed is different and we can seek to enable each to become what it is and not try to force it to become something else. Perhaps we can even come to trust that the seed of strength and creativity, the source of life and health and flowering, does indeed lie deep within each person, and by so trusting we will help provide the nurturing that will call forth the seed. Who knows, in time (its own time, not necessarily ours) it may push itself upward, come into its own, and bear much fruit. What greater joy can a gardener have than to witness the variety and splendor of the living plants that responded to such careful attention?"
– Unknown