Cy Surprise


Image by Ryan Riley

Crayton Mitchell, former ISU mascot with president Wendy Wintersteen

President Wendy Wintersteen greets Crayton Mitchell as he walks across the stage at graduation last May. 

A new Iowa State University tradition began this year, as graduating seniors of the Mascot Squad are encouraged to wear Cy’s feet with their commencement regalia. That’s just what happened in May, as President Wendy Wintersteen greeted Crayton Mitchell (’24) as he Cy-walked across the stage. Mitchell was the first to take advantage of the new tradition, which is a special recognition as names of students are kept secret throughout the duration of their time appearing as Cy. 

“Being Cy has been one of the greatest college experiences,” Mitchell says. “From running the football team out at home games, traveling to BYU, Las Vegas, and March Madness, to going to weddings as Cy, it has all been so much fun!”

Read more about this new ISU tradition!