Year in Review


Reiman Gardens -- Cardinal Tulips

Cyclones Everywhere

ISU Alumni live in

99 Iowa counties

50 states

153 countries

Bid paddle

Nearly 600 constituents attended the Cardinal & Gold Gala in Des Moines and raised a record $130,000 for ISUAA programs and events, including the inaugural New Grad Gifted Membership program.

The ISU Alumni Center held 

11 weddings in FY23, three more than FY22, and booked/held 226 events, 11 more than in FY22.

Cap and diploma illustration

Launched New Grad Gifted Membership program

with 717 New Grad Participants.

733 Traveling Cyclones,

an amazing jump from 327 in FY22. 232 attendees at the 2024 Travel Preview, our highest attendance ever.

Member Deals logo

Partnered with

MemberDeals as our new national discount provider for ISUAA members.

Magnifying glass

First LegaCY Camp was held in July 2022 

with 58 attendees, four majors, and three field trips. The second LegaCY Camp was held in July 2023 with 165 attendees, eight majors, and eight field trips.

Launched Iowa Stater magazine,

website, and e-newsletter in the fall of 2022.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)

members in 21 states, including 57 Iowa towns/cities, 32 Iowa counties, and one international member in Canada.

CASE Award

2023 Circle of Excellence Silver Recognitions | Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)

  • “Runner: Guor Maker” profile 
  • Iowa Stater magazine

Continued dedication to inclusivity

by providing mentorship and work experience to an intern through Project SEARCH, a program that helps youth with disabilities make successful transitions from school to adult life.